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Siegel Albrecht von Brandenburg 110

About us…
Mela`s Schmuckschmiede is a Family owned and operated business that is specialized since 15 years in organizing,operate and reenact historic events. Another aspect of our business is the Silver-and Goldforgery and the creation of historic jewelery replicas as well as special designed jewelery. Of course we like to work on special customized pieces of jewelery and therefore create very unike pieces. Melas-Schmuckschmiede


melas-schmuckschmiede You can find us very often at Medioeval events, Castel enlivenments and historic town fares with our Silver forgery and Jewelery as well as with our show elements, like the armament of a knight. We offer the complete organization of such a Fair as well as the organizing and performing of reenanctment Battles, sword fights, coordination of Artists and Groups and several other tasks arround the organization.


Of course we are not limited to medioeval events but offer a great variety of shows, including stunt elements and special effects to Clubs, Hotels and Discotheques as well as historic correct displays of Roman Legionairs of the 1st.Century to crusader Knights of the 12th.century to Museums, comunities and schools. We organize information days and excursions along choosen old roman roads for schools and Museums, were students and visitors have a chance to get at close range with History. Wouldn`t it be a very unique experience to walk with a roman Centurion on an old roman road and listen to the exiting stories about the Limes, the province of raetia or the campaignes in the dark and creepy forests of Germania Magna? Melas-Schmuckschmiede-Stand 001



With great pleasure we would like to organize your birthday parties and annyversaries accordingly to a choosen theme.

On request we offer for small company parties and family festivities a genuine mediterranean buffet.


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