Mela's jewelry-wrought

is a small family business that has specialized since 2000 in the organization, implementation and revitalization of historical events.

One often finds us at medieval markets, castle animations and historic town festivals with our Ritterzelt / Jewelry Stand and infotainment show program (z.B. " of the Bruche for chain mail ") .
Melas-Schmuckschmiede - Infotainment
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Melas-Schmuckschmiede - Infotainment We also take over the organization and implementation of show fights, battles, parades and other program points, taking care of the storage groups and, if necessary, other services in the field of organization.

However, we are not limited only to medieval markets but also provide for
  • Clubs,
  • Diskotheken,
  • Hotels und
  • Firmenfeierlichkeiten

ein breitgefächertes Show und Mottoprogramm an, das auch Stuntelemente und diverse "Special Effects" beinhalten kann.

Melas-Schmuckschmiede - Infotainment

Melas-Schmuckschmiede - Infotainment Gerne richten wir auch private Geburtstagsfeiern und Jubiläen mit einem ausgesuchten Motto aus.

zum Beispiel:

  • "roaring 20´"
  • Mafiosi,
  • Piraten,
  • Römer,
  • Ritter,
  • Western...u.s.w.
to an example - click here!

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